Hello there! Random fact: if you are reading this, you’re definitely alive. Isn’t that wonderful? Now that I have made you pause to think about life, here’s a little bit about mine…

I am aspiring to realize my dream of being a creative writer. Eventually, I would like to publish my short stories, and write more. And, so far, even though I have many book outlines in the works, I haven’t started them yet. But, my plan is to get them completed and published as well.

How It All Began…

It all started when I was born on a Friday night on the 13th to parents who don’t believe in bad luck. So instead I grew up an adventuresome bookworm. My love of reading and curiosity about the world blended with my artistic personality to give me the love of writing. I am a poet who loves to create masterpieces of words in a variety of styles. And I have been doing that since I was a young teenager.

The Turning Point…

My life turn a dramatic turn from the studious repose I was in to being a bona fide, certified, terrified United States Army Medic. Whew! Didn’t see that one coming, did you? I served in active duty for four years, lived in a foreign country, visited another, and satisfied my love of all things medical, anatomical, and physiological. After that I transitioned to the National Guard and worked on getting into the Human Resources field to satiate my love of doing paperwork. During that time, I went to school for massage and became a Licensed Massage Therapist.

Shortly thereafter, and within a period of 7 1/2 months, I began dating, got engaged to, and married the most wonderful man in the world! Talk about exciting! Adventure! That’s another story entirely.

Right About Now…

Exactly one year after marriage, our surprise baby girl was born. Her birth ushered in one of the most amazing and crazy and wild journeys I’ve been on yet! Hence this blog, and initiating my quest to be a published creative writer, and the obvious descriptive title that comes along with it: stay-at-home and work-from-home Creative Mom Writer Blogger. Or whatever they call it!

Now that we have been properly introduced, read on! Explore the delightful tales and thoughts from my life’s experiences and adventures here, here, and here!

If you would like to read the authors, speakers, articles, and influencers that have helped shape my life, click here and here. As, a disclaimer about the second link, I am NOT a Calvinist, nor do I believe their foundational theology.