The Invisible Fence of the Comfort Zone
Navigating Life Outside the Comfort Zone Introduction to the Invisible Fence of the Comfort Zone Through all the articles in this series, I think you will see one reoccuring theme. Even though you are remaining inside the bounds of your personality, navigating the extroverted society still requires doing things that may be uncomfortable at first. […]
The Chameleon Life of Mood Matching
Navigating the need to continually adapt… Introduction to the Chameleon Life Being good at mood matching as a social skill is imperative for success. It takes practice, but with time the chameleon life comes naturally and doesn’t even take a second thought. The Setting Every gathering has its own vibe, or mood, if you will. […]
Crowds Feel Like Kryptonite
Navigating the eventual participation in social gatherings when crowds feel like Kryptonite. Introduction to Crowds Feel Like Kryptonite Success! You have managed to dodge all the invites to parties and get-togethers where there will be a bunch of people you don’t know. You breathe with relief every time you manage to keep your social life […]
The ME in Team
Navigating the necessity of teamwork and collaboration in the workplace… Several comic cartoon strips say something along the concept of “There is no I in team, but there’s a me in it!” As introverts, I think we can relate to the “ME in team”. For most of us, we’re at our best working with “me, […]
Friends That Stick
Navigating the difficulty of making (and keeping) friends. There’s a verse in Proverbs that says, “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24 KJV). We would all love to have a few friends that stick like glue, but the “friendly” is […]
To Fit In Or Not Fit In? That Is the Question
Navigating the struggle of being expected to fit in… The Question…To Fit In or Not Fit In? To fit in or not fit in? That is the question. And what a struggle it brings! One of the first things you are going to run into as an obstacle in society is everyone expects you to […]
Navigating the Obstacles of an Extroverted Society
Navigating the Obstacles Introduction This article is an introduction to Navigating the Obstacles of an Extroverted Society. A series of articles sharing what I have learned as an introvert on how to survive, and thrive in a extroverted society. Emphasis on the Majority… It took me a long time to come up with a […]
Breastfeeding Babies and “Babysitting” Dads
Preface Note This article is for ladies in general, but specifically other Moms, whether previously or currently breastfeeding babies. I am sure that what follows are things that we all have experienced in one form or another, or heard said about “babysitting” dads. But if not, it will give you some food for thought and […]