Part Two of “The Swamp”

This post was originally written on July 1st, 2017 Then… My last post from two years ago brought you on a journey with me through the swamp and the poem I wrote about it before it ever happened. The post ended with: “I can finish the poem now. I know I am forgiven and my […]

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The Swamp

This post was originally published on August 4th, 2015. God has been working something in me for a long time. And I finally got to see the beginning of the end of a very long struggle through spiritual quagmire. What follows are my experiences with the swamp, both literal and figurative. The Spiritual Backstory For […]

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Thoughts on Suffering

The Epiphany Several days ago I was reading Ana Harris’ blog post where she shared her thoughts on suffering. And how Christian songs that talk about sorrow or suffering can have the wrong perspective. You can read her post here. I love reading Ana’s blog, but this post in particular hit home really hard for me. […]

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